
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Guess What Time it is?

Yes! Catalan time!
Shall I admit that I have not studied at all during 2011? I suffered a total lack of motivation. My honeymoon stage had worn off and I was left wondering what I had got myself into, studying this language.
2012 is the year to pick up the fragments of what I learnt before and begin again.
Jett is doing great. He's even getting an appropriate accent.
Cheers for a great learning year!


thecatalanway said...

Brilliant! podem tornar a mengar pastisses en un cafe mientras parlan!

K xxx

Tiffany at Patheya said...



Xavi said...

Love this post!
If any kinf od help is required, don't hesitate to ask ;)

Tiffany at Patheya said...

:D Thank you!!

Xavi said...

Why am I keeper instead of Xavi? Anyway, good luck!!!

Tiffany at Patheya said...

:) you can change it in your blogger account!

Xavi said...

I didn't know I had a blogger account :S

Tiffany at Patheya said...

If you press 'keeper' you will see it. and hopefully you should be able to access your profile. I thought you had a blog?
Perhaps it's linked through g mail?